The Secret to Successful Parenting

The Secret to Successful Parenting As a soon to be new mom, I was desperate to learn how to do it right. I wanted all the secrets and tips on everything, from diaper rashes to symptoms to sleep schedules. I wanted to become an expert on all things baby, while I was pregnant so I would be fully prepared for when my little one arrived. It wasn’t until much later that I discovered the secretContinue Reading

How to Thrift Like a Pro

The Do’s and Don’ts of Second Hand Shopping So, little tidbit about myself, I LOVE TO SHOP! I’m not talking about wandering around the mall, perusing through the shelves and enjoying the scenery, then leaving with my $12 trinket. An essential part of shopping, for me, is buying. What’s the point of looking, falling in love with something, and not being able to get it?! Unfortunately, retail stores don’t accept sad faces or tears asContinue Reading

Bringing Baby Home

Bringing Baby Home: How to Prepare Your Older Child(ren) Bringing baby home is one of the hardest adjustments you’ll ever make. It is a physical and emotional exhaustion that cannot be compared to anything else. You bring home this little tiny human who is totally dependent on you every moment of the day. Then, you learn how to function on little to no sleep. Next, you figure out what makes them happy and what upsetsContinue Reading

Easy Ways to Save Money on Vacation

How to Plan a Budget Friendly Vacation After what seemed like the longest winter on record, things have finally started warming up here! While running errands today, I pulled out my sunglasses and rolled down the window to soak it all in. I don’t know about you guys, but this mama is ready for a VACATION!! Life gets busy and overwhelming at it can be easy to lose track of who and what you’re doingContinue Reading

Party Planning 101

Party Planning 101 How To Host An Amazing Party! If there is one thing I absolutely LOVE to do, it’s party planning! The more extravagant the better. While a good paper hat and pinata birthday is always a hit with the kids, I’m usually not able to restrain myself from more elaborate set ups. I don’t get a ton of opportunities, so when one comes around I like to go as big as my budgetContinue Reading

Casual Maternity Outfits

  Building Your Pregnancy Wardrobe Without Buying “Maternity” Pieces that transition through (almost) your entire pregnancy. Next to swim suites, maternity clothes have got to be the worst shopping experience of my life! I am currently on baby number three and it’s still a struggle. However, I have found a few ways to help make that bump look GREAT without sacrificing hours of turmoil in the maternity department changing rooms. First things first, if youContinue Reading

Mom Approved Christmas Gifts

Well everyone, it’s that time of year again. THE HOLIDAY SEASON HAS ARRIVED!!!! And I have to admit, there are some less than joy filled experiences that come along with it, as a parent. Finding perfect mom approved Christmas gifts doesn’t have to be one of them, and I’m here to help with that! I’ve put together a list of toys perfect for Christmas morning. Toy commercials flood every channel with the newest gizmos andContinue Reading