Children's Closet Organization

Children’s Closet Organization

If you’re a mama, you know the never ending struggle with laundry! Keeping up with it has never been my strength and adding littles to the equation only heightened my disdain for it.  In our home, there’s a vicious cycle of wear, wash, leave in the hamper until needed, repeat! It seemed like I could never keep up with hanging and putting away the laundry before it was time to wash another load! That’s when I found a new way to approach Children’s Closet Organization!

It Starts with Moderation

I totally understand the temptation of miniature clothes and wanting to buy them all! Walking away with only a few pieces isn’t easy, but going the minimal route will definitely help with controlling the mess. I would suggest not buying more than ten outfits in each size. Any more than that, and your littles will outgrow it long before you’ve used it enough to get your money’s worth out of it. This is especially true for kiddos under one. You may be able to stretch the life for bigger sizes, but changing seasons will prevent you from using them as well.

The Wash and Toss

Let’s be honest, us mamas have way more on our minds than remembering to put away laundry. In my own case, I’m way to busy trying to keep the house standing and preventing ER trips to be overly concerned with how long clothes sit in hampers! If you’ve ever tried hanging a basket full of onsies onto those tiny baby hangers, you know my frustration.

Rather than stressing out over the constant mess in the laundry room, I decided to embrace the dysfunction for my Children’s Closet Organization strategy. Here’s the secret that has saved my laundry sanity, don’t fight the wash and toss! Once those clothes come out of the drier, we are tempted to toss them into the hamper and turn our attention to more pressing issues. Like toys floating in the toilet! So I developed that method a little further, and invested in some three drawer sterilite containers. You can pick up your own on your next Target run!

Here’s How It Works

I put one container in the bottom of each of my little guy’s closets and designated one drawer for socks/underwear, one for shirts, and one for pants/shorts depending on the season. Any off season clothes in their current sizes, I store above the closet and introduce as needed. Dress shirts that aren’t used on a daily basis are the only things hung on hangers. Now, once their clothes make it out of the drier and into the hamper, all I have to do is toss them into the corresponding drawer. It’s that easy! No more “laundry days” spending hours fighting tiny neck holes over obnoxious hangers or folding shirt after shirt only to have them end up tossed around in a dresser later.

It Gets Better!

Not only will this save time in the tidying process for you, it also enables your older little ones to be more involved! Having drawers down at their level, allows them to not only put their own clothes away but also to start learning how to dress themselves. I might not always approve of what my guy comes down wearing, but I can’t complain when he does it all on his own!

How to Transition Through Sizes

If you’re like me and have, or plan on having, more than one kiddo, you’ve probably considered saving clothes for future children. It’s a great way of saving on expenses, so of course it’s something I’m excited about! Whatever sizes I’m not currently using, get tossed (there’s that word again!) into large storage bins and stacked in a spare closet or sent to the basement.

I would suggest only one bin per size so you’re not tempted (like me) so save way more than you’ll need. If it doesn’t fit, it doesn’t stay. I will leave what size storage container you use to your own discretion haha!

Then it’s as simple as pulling out a bin and tossing the clothes into your storage drawers!

Start Tossing!

If you’re a mama who manages laundry well, then I applaud you! This Children’s Closet Organization method works for me because I don’t have a natural fondness for doing laundry. I totally prioritize propping my feet up every now and then over folded laundry, but maybe that’s just me!

If you’re all about easy organization like me and enjoyed this post, you might also like my post on Playroom Organization!

Are there shortcuts you take at home to expedite the cleaning process?! I’d love to hear more ways of making this mama life easier, so share whatever you got in the comments below!!

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